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“TV Play Content Marketing” is a team of acknowledged professionals that are here to create exceptional video content, advertising client’s services or products as well as shaping positive image of a brand or company.

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  • “TV Play Content Marketing” creates new or adapts successful existing TV and Internet video formats;
  • All of the video formats are developed individually to meet the needs and the goals of the client;
  • We integrate the ads of the client’s services or products into the video content;
  • Created content is broadcasted on Lithuania’s biggest TV channels and Internet platforms (, news portals, etc.);
  • We develop smart phone applications and integrate them into the video content (for e.g., “Kids of the Nation” mobile app and TV show)
  • We provide content integration consulting services;
  • We create video content targeting beyond Lithuanian market.
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Our goal

Our main goal is to create video content with product integrations that would be both attractive to the viewers and beneficial for the clients.

Changes in the advertising industry

Nowadays the advertising industry is never the same for two days in a row: the role of traditional advertising is changing with a rapid decrease of video advertising clips, broadcasted on TV – and Lithuania is not an exception.

One of the fundamental reasons behind these changes is the weakened influence of the traditional advertising clips and the increased impact of the Internet advertising.

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You may ask: what do we do then?

Our answer is: we need quality content that would attract and engage the viewers.

Our portfolio of successful integrated advertising projects includes:

Content Marketing CEO

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